3DEqualizer4 Release 4 now available3DEqualizer4 Release 4
Latest Update: 01/08/16
Dear Friends of 3DE!
after more than 2 years of development, 3DE4 Release 4 has finally been completed! Beside a number of bugfixes, there are a few interesting additions in comparison to r4b8:
we added a "ScriptDB Installer" which provides easy "1-click" installation, up/downgrade & removal of custom scripts found in the new "Script Database" section of our website.
we introduced an all new "export rolling shutter to nuke" script, now based on Nuke's "gridwarp" node instead of just a simple "cornerpin". This script provides much more precision and more or less exactly reproduces the render out results of 3DE's Overview Controls.
3DE4PLE (personal learning edition) is now available again. From now on, there will only be a new PLE for each final release version of 3DE4...
Please see changelog below for more details!
Stay tuned for 3DEqualizer4 Release 5...
Happy New Year, Rolf
added new "ScriptDB Installer" (download & installation of 3DE.com "ScriptDB" custom scripts)
removed some old, obsolete scripts
removed some custom scripts from standard installation (now found in 3DE.com "ScriptDB")
re-release of PLE version
bugfixes and (stability) improvements for flcd4 (v2.0b3)
when in "LICENCE_MANAGER_3DE4_USER_ONLY_MODE" configured "3DE ID" isn't shown anymore
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to add unwanted whitespaces to a user's "3DE ID"
introduced an all new "rolling shutter to nuke export" script now based on "gridwarp" instead of "cornerpin"
added new command "flushConsoleOutput()" which forces 3DE to update its console while a script is still running
added new "TIMER" & "ADJUSTMENT" hints (for python command "getCurrentScriptCallHint()")
fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash when adjusting large numbers of parameters (>50)
fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash when calling command "addOptionMenuWidget()" with large "item" strings
added some eye candy to script "filter curves" (v1.6)
added some more eye candy to script "save out rendered frames" (v1.6)
added new "-focal_length" command line option to warp4 (v1.4)
fixed a number of calculation core related bugs
introduced new cloud based licensing system (flcd4 v2.0b1)
added a new python command for re-building all python GUI menus and buttons
fixed a bug in python command convertObjectPGroupTransformationWorldTo3DE()
fixed a bug in python command get3DModelVertexColor()
improved rendering of 2D tracking curves (F2, valid options)
expanded the overlay grid size by 20%
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (postQuestionReq() command, rare)
increased the size of 3DE's point undo stack
slightly improved script "Import Raw LIDAR Scan" (v1.2)
fixed a bug in 3DE's python vector library
bugfixes and improvements (calculation core)
fixed a bug which caused warp4 to crop all image content located outside the FOV
added FOV size & offset as well as orig. resolution textfields to warp4 (v1.4b7)
slightly improved script "Set FOV" (v1.3)
added a new python command which allows to calculate distortion parameters out of a matrix
setting "valid inside frame" is now default for newly created points
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to discard the output of the python console (rare, progress requester active)
slightly improved the behaviour of all list widget sliders
fixed a number of calculation core related bugs
fixed a bug in script "export LD_3DE4 Distortion to Nuke" which caused an error on older versions of 3DE (v1.4)
fixed a bug which caused warp4 to crop all image content located outside the FOV
added FOV size & offset as well as orig. resolution textfields to warp4 (v1.4b7)
slightly improved script "Set FOV" (v1.3)
added a new python command which allows to calculate distortion parameters out of a matrix
setting "valid inside frame" is now default for newly created points
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to discard the output of the python console (rare, progress requester active)
slightly improved the behaviour of all list widget sliders
fixed a number of calculation core related bugs
fixed a bug in script "export LD_3DE4 Distortion to Nuke" which caused an error on older versions of 3DE (v1.4)
fixed a serious problem which caused 3DE to "misplace" the camera in 3D space (survey)
fixed a problem which caused passive points to have an influence on the calculation process
fixed a bug which caused lineup controls to freak out (autom. determine rootframes flag disabled)
fixed a bug which caused adjustment scripts "near nodal" & "camera path" to exit with an error (frame range calculation)