3DE4 R3b4 - Bugfixes and Minor Improvements
  • 3DE4 R3
  • 3DE4 R3b4 - Bugfixes, Python, New Export Option 3DEqualizer4 Release 3

Dear Friends of 3DE!

today we released 3DE4 r3b4. It mainly fixes a few annoying bugs and brings some improvements such as a number of new scripts for editing python scripts, as well as exporting data to Houdini, Cinema 4D and Blender...

Please see changelog below for more details!

Cheers, Rolf

  • added a new script which allows to edit other python scripts
  • improved filter function of script "python command help" (thanks to Wolfgang!, v1.2)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash upon save/save as (create primitive 3d model)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash on startup in case any "._*.py" files lying around
  • fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash while saving out rendered frames (rare, center on selected point enbaled)
  • fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to display wrong, unwanted buttons within its progress requester (rare)
  • 3DE's calc curve requester now allows to calculate curves with up to 50 CVs (complexity parameter)
  • added new python commands for accessing the clipboard
  • fixed a problem which caused 3DE to ignore its prefs->CPUs setting (adaptive adjustment only)
  • added new python commands for reading & writing a widget's label string
  • added two new functions to 3DE's animate distortion script ("key all", "remove keys", v1.1)
  • added a number of new python commands for accessing various attributes of textarea widgets
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE's copy-to-clipboard functions to add a "bogus" character at the end (unix only)
  • fixed a bug 3DE sometimes ignoring env. variable "LD_PLUGINS_3DE4"
  • added new exportfilter scripts for Houdini, Cinema 4D and Blender
  • a number of calculation core related bugfixes and improvements
  • a few minor bug fixes within warp4

  • fixed a bug within 3DE's postfilter which created bad results when applied to object pgroups with survey
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when modifying option prefs->active cpus
  • updated script dev. browser->reset dev. curves now being able to work on multiple cameras (thanks to Helder)
  • fixed a problem which caused 3DE's dynamic curve calculation requester to hang (rare, stereo, zooming)

  • added a new "unlock" editing mode with orientation controls for manipulating objects separately (destroys matchmove consistency)
  • added a new function for generating 3D models out of point clouds ("point mesh" models)
  • added a new attribute to 3d models which allows to inherit the 3d position of regular tracking points
  • added a new attribute to 3d models which allows to project the footage of the current camera onto it
  • added a new attribute to 3d models which allows to provide a different color for each point
  • added a new attribute to 3d models for defining 3 different sets of geometry data (proxy, level of detail)
  • added a new toggle button which forces 3DE to center on the currently selected objects (orientation controls)
  • added a new function for deleting single polygon and line-strips of a 3d model
  • added new python commands for reading & writing all 3d model related attributes
  • added new python commands for deleting line-strip and polygons of a given 3d model
  • added new python commands for reading & writing the color of geo line objects
  • added a new script for adding an additional point to an existing "point mesh" 3d model
  • added a new script for setting the color of all currently selected geo line objects
  • added a new script for importing raw lidar scan files (.pts/.ptx file format)
  • added a few new scripts for aligning the scene or 3D model to multiple points
  • improved the rendering speed and quality of 3DE's live undistort footage functions (F1, F3, F5, F6)
  • introduced new rolling shutter compensation preview function (F1, F3, F5, F6)
  • fixed a bug which caused rendering errors when switching between camera & object point groups (F1, F5, F6)
  • patched a problem caused by NVidia's 3xx display driver family (windows: slow 2d tracking, linux: crashes)
  • improved the performance of 3DE's adaptive adjustment mode (multithreading, parameter adjustment window)
  • introduced a new interpolation option for 3DE's 2d tracking procedure which takes the movement of neighboring point into account
  • added a new option for displaying rolling shutter and mocap timeshift offsets within lineup controls
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to disable the distortion scale within lineup controls (anamorphic degree 4 model)
  • improved 3DE's startup script (linux64 only, thanks to Mark Visser)
  • improved the quality of 3DE's python installation (linux64 only, thanks to Mark Visser)
  • added a history scale to 3DE's calc dynamic parameter requesters which allows to browse through all results of a calculation
  • fixed a bug with distortion model "anamorphic degree 6" which caused 3DE to crash
  • slightly improved 3DE's "unlock points" script
  • improved the motion blur rendering of the first and last frame of a sequence
  • improved 3DE's render out script (crop & center on selected points options)
  • added new options to python command saveRenderCacheFrame() for cropping the output image
  • fixed a minor bug which occurred when setting a camera's "end frame" attribute to "1"
  • fixed a minor bug with function motiontracking controls->edit->swap curves (project contains sequence & reference cameras)
  • improved "export nuke grid warp" script (overscan option, much smaller file sizes)
  • slightly improved nuke export script
  • added new python commands for reading & writing a point's timeline editor hide flag
  • 3DE's curve editor now displays a virtual cursor (distortion curves)
  • added a new display option to 3DE's curve editor which controls the behavior of its "view all" toggle (entire grid or CVs)
  • fixed some rendering issues of 3DE's "calc all from scratch" progress window (aliasing artefacts, windows only)
  • improved the behavior of 3DE's postfilter, now filtering object points groups differently in z direction
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when trying to calculate a project where all cameras are being disabled
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to refuse to calculate projects containing cameras without footage
  • fixed a bug with 3DE's "classic" distortion model not working properly together with script "export nuke v7 grid warp"
  • fixed a display bug within lineup controls (rare, non-default FOV settings only)
  • added new python commands for setting a project's scene node
  • added a new python command for aligning a plane to a number of 3d points
  • improved script "import multiple ref. frames" (thanks to Helder)
  • fixed a number of calculation core related bugs

  • introduced a new window for calculating distortion parameters out of the matrices of multiple ref. frames ("generic" lens distortion models)
  • introduced new standard lens distortion model for anamorphic lenses which includes new parameters "lens rotation" & "squeeze x/y"
  • introduced new standard lens distortion model for radial lenses which includes new (stereo rig related) parameters "cylindric direction & bending"
  • introduced new, universal calculation engine for determining lens distortion parameters out of a matrix
  • improved quality and speed of 3DE's matrix snapping routines (distortion edit controls)
  • added script "animate distortion tool" which provides interactive controls for animating distortion parameters
  • added new python commands for retrieving a lens model parameter's default value and range information
  • added new python commands for manipulating a widget's foreground-, background
  • and highlight colors
  • added feature for displaying the aspect ratio of the current selection rubberbox (distortion edit controls)
  • 3DE now evaluates env. variable "LD_PLUGINS_3DE4" for a colon separated list of directories to look for additional lens distortion plugins
  • added new python command for calculating the distortion related jacobian matrix of a given 2D point
  • updated the lens distortion plugin header file by adding method getJacobianMatrix() (v1.0.5)
  • added a new script for exporting a gridwarp node to Nuke v7 which contains the current camera's (dynamic) distortion information
  • added a new setting for defining the units being used for displaying focus distance values (preferences)
  • added a new python command which allows to run 3DE's matrix point snapping routine for a single point
  • added a new script for resetting a camera's matrix and snapping an initial triple of points at the same time ("smart reset matrix")
  • fixed a bug which prevented 3DE from properly adjusting a lens object's (static) focus distance parameter (parameter adjustment window)
  • added new python commands for reading & writing a lens object's focus distance parameter
  • 3DE now immediately displays the attribute editor tab related to the object which has become selected most recently (preferences)
  • added a feature for overscan rendering within 3DE's overview controls (overview controls->view)
  • updated script "save out rendered frames" by a new option which allows to save overscan images (v1.1)
  • fixed a bug which caused python command "saveRenderCacheFrame()" to create bad image files (tiff format only)
  • introduced a new feature for identifying bad tracking points (main window->calc->find badly tracked points)
  • added python command "checkPointConsistency2D()" for checking a point's 2D tracking consistency by comparing 2 specific frames
  • added a script for checking a 2D tracking curve's gaps in terms of consistency (motiontracking controls->tracking)
  • added new python commands for accessing a point group's lineup control poses
  • added new python commands for reading & writing a camera's sync mode attribute
  • introduced new python scripting tag "3DE4.script.startup:true/false" which forces 3DE to run a script automatically during startup
  • added new python command "getCurrentScriptCallHint()" for retrieving information about how a script has been invoked
  • fixed a bug which caused function "center models" not to work properly in all cases (lineup controls)
  • updated script "transform curves" by providing features for scaling and translating a curve along the x axis (v1.1)
  • updated function "filter points..." now allowing to select "lineup only" points as well (object browser->point context menu)
  • 3DE's timeslider can now be zoomed in/out by using the mousewheel (main window pane)
  • editors and browsers in external windows now keep their "config menus" allowing to build up complex pane structures (auxiliary windows)
  • 3DE's overlay grid now centers on 3D reconstructed points as well (motiontracking controls->view->overlay grid)
  • fixed a problem with all object browser create functions generating multiple objects through single shortcuts (object browser->edit->add...)
  • added buttons "
  • all"/"+ all" for manipulating the ranges of all to be adjusted parameters at once (parameter adjustment window)
  • added a new display option "(show) active points only" (deviation browser)
  • fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash when using an image sequence as autotracking mask
  • improved the behaviour of mutual exclusion toggle menus when invoked through shortcuts
  • updated script "python command help" by providing a larger textarea for displaying a command's help text (v1.1)
  • fixed a problem with warp4 which caused distortion parameters to be displayed not correctly (v1.3b2)
  • fixed a bug which caused warp4 to crash while processing certain openEXR files (v1.3b2)
  • crashsave files of "" projects are now being created in "/tmp/" (unix only)
  • added script "export tracks to flame" written by Helder Tomas at Rodeo FX (thanks a lot!)
  • added script "export 3d models as obj" that writes out all currently selected 3d models into a single obj file which is oriented/backed in world space (v1.3)
  • fixed a minor bug in script "export fbx" (v1.1)
  • fixed a large number of calculation core bugs (especially related to r3's new dynamic parameter curve calculation routines)

  • added a new infrastructure for calculating dynamic parameter curves such as zoom, focus and interocular distance (curve editor)
  • improved the behaviour of mode "view all" (curve editor)
  • added a new function to store rendered frames in 3DE's image buffers for a later realtime playback (overview controls)
  • added a new python command for saving a rendered frame to disk
  • added a new python script for saving out a sequence of rendered frames to disk (overview controls)
  • added a function to remove all rendered frames from 3DE's image buffers (main winodw->playback->clear render cache only)
  • added a python command for removing all rendered frames from 3DE's image buffers
  • added a new dynamic distortion mode which allows to control distortion through focus distance (instead of focal length)
  • added new python commands for modifying a lens' dynamic distortion mode
  • updated python scripts "import/export lens" to make use of 3DE's new dynamic distortion modes (v1.4)
  • added new python commands for adding and removing parameters from 3DE's parameter adjustment window
  • added new python commands for manipulating its near & far clipping planes
  • added a textarea for entering project notes (attribute editor->project)
  • added new python commands for manipulating the project notes
  • added a new feature which allows to specify an arbitrary first frame number to be displayed in 3DE's user interface (attribute editor->camera)
  • added new python commands for manipulating a camera's frame offset attribute
  • added new python commands for manipulating a 3d model's point snapping attribute
  • added a new python command for centering the first selected item of a list widget
  • function lineup controls->edit->project points on model now indicates how many points have been successfully modified
  • fixed a bug with 3DE's python comsole window (crash upon 2x cursor down)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE not to ask for overwriting an already existing project file (main window->3de4->save project as, rare)
  • fixed a minor gui update problem in connection with sync
  • and camera-constraints (attribute editor)
  • set default settings for distortion grid to "red" & "checkerboard" (attribute editor->camera)
  • set default distortion model to "3de4 radial standard, degree 4"
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to create "weird" pos/rot edit curves (curve editor, rare)
  • implemented a new toolchain for compiling 3DE under bloody windows (eventually improved stability)

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