The 3rd beta version of 3DEqualizer4 R1 is now available. We fixed some bugs and added a lot of improvements to its stereoscopic calculation code. Those of you, working on these kind of projects, please update! In addition, there are a lot of new user interface gimmicks - for a detailed listing please see changelog below...
Finally, we released a detailed white paper, last week . It discusses all important aspects of stereoscopic matchmoving with 3DE4, including a lot of practical tips & tricks, as well as some mathematical background infos!
Cheers, Rolf
fixed a lot of bugs and added a lot of improvements to 3DE4's stereoscopic calculation core routines
fixed a bug which caused inconsistent applying of image controls to subsequent frames (blur and/or chroma key only)
fixed a minor update bug (deviation browser)
added a feature which lets major requesters remember its size during a session (file-, calc-, progress-requesters, etc.)
slightly extended the area for selecting single points (ALT-LMB click, motiontracking controls)
added an additional button for resetting the image controls window's chroma key function (motiontracking controls)
improved performance for accessing compressed image buffers
added a function for centering the view on all selected 3D objects (orientation controls->view menu->center on selected objects)
added a toggle for displaying the current frame's deviation (deviation browser->show deviation value)
added a toggle for displaying the value of the active curve in the current frame (curve editor->view->show curve value)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash when executing the 2nd python script (linux only, started through desktop icon)
python command "postCustomRequester" automatically can set the requester window's size (width and/or height parameter <= 0)
added a feature which allows it to protect certain object classes from being deleted (object browser->edit->delete...)
added handles for scaling a point's outer tracking box in XY (motiontracking controls)
added a toggle to preferences which, when enabled, forces 3DE4 to close the calculation progress window automatically
fixed a bug where button "Use Result" became enabled even if a calculation failed (calculation progress window)
3DE4 now saves/restores the size & position of all windows, incl. those browsers & editors which have been moved to separate windows
additional toggle state information are now being saved into environments (deviation browser & curve editor)
enabled anaglyph rendering mode by default (overview controls->view menu)
fixed a bug in 3DE4's softimage xsi export filter script which caused the camera roll angles to be always 0.0 (v1.2)
added a "Save Default State" function to many toggle buttons which lets 3DE4 remember its current state (see toggle buttons' context menus)
added a function to reload the default state of a window's toggle buttons manually (main window->options->reload default toggle states...)
disabled "Image Sequence" flag for reference cameras exported through 3DE4's maya export filter script (v1.4, thanks to Stefan)
fixed an update bug within parameter adjustment window (deleting a camera
or lens object)
enabled "Samples" fields for "Fine-" and "Wide-Range" modes ("Brute Force" mode, parameter adjustment window)
reduced initial size of manipulator when editing a project's scene node (3D orientation controls)
added stereoscopic calculation mode
added functions for increasing/decreasing the manipulators' size (3D orientation controls->edit->manipulator size menu)
fixed an update bug in 3D orientation controls (attribute editor, pgroup tab, modify distance constraint settings)
added a function for defining a distance constraint more intuitively (3D orientation controls->edit->define distance constraint...)
added graphical display of distance contraint (3D orientation controls)
fixed a bug in the rotation manipulator which caused the to be edited objects to disappear (3D orientation controls, ortho mode, edit tranverse axis)
increased virtual "click-area" around manipulator handles (3D orientation controls)
added a full 3ds max export filter script
fixed a bug in setPointPosition2DBlock() python scripting command which caused the Nudge scripts not to work for backward tracking points
fixed a bug which caused points, created through 3DE4's CTRL+LMB mechanism in reference frames, to become backward tracking ones
fixed a display bug within timeline editor (reference frames, rootframe markings)
set minimum of near clipping planes slider to 0.01 (attribute editor, project tab)
added python commands setCurrentPGroup(), setCurrentCamera() and setCurrentFrame()
added script "Set Next Sequence Camera" which toggles through all sequence cameras (main window->python menu)
added requester, asking for initial name, when creating a new point set (object browser, context menu->add point set)
moved "Set Current Camera/Point Group" to the top of their context menu(s) (object browser)
image controls window implemented
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to determine/display wrong number of CPUs (preferences, win32 only)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to determine/display wrong amount of installed RAM (preferences, osx32 & win32)
fixed a selection bug within timeline editor (reference cameras only)
fixed a bug in point undo routine which could cause 3DE4 to crash (motiontracking controls->edit->undo/redo, deviation browser opened, rare)
assigned standard maya shortcuts (W, E, R) for activating translate, rotate and scale manipulator (3D orientation controls)
added script "Export 2D Tracks to After Effects" which allows it to export 2D tracking curves to After Effects (object browser->edit->file->export menu)
added script "Duplicate Survey Points" which creates a copy of each selected survey point (3D orientation controls->edit menu)
added functions to open object browser, deviation broswer, curve editor or timline editor directly in a separate window (main window->windows menu)
fixed a bug which caused a timeline editor's scroll widget to disappear when separated out into a window
added python commands for reading & writing a camera's frames per second attribute
fixed a bug which prevented the online help window to open up when selecting more infos context menu of the main window's frame textfield
fixed a bug within the python nudge scripts which caused 3DE4 to remove all keyframes from a tracking curve (v1.1)
improved maya export filter script to write out proper image path information (v1.3)
added a full FBX export filter script
fixed a bug which could cause python scripts to appear in wrong menus (rare, "windows" ascii)
added script "Find Point Max Deviation" (deviation browser)
fixed a bug which prevented 3DE4 from importing a license file (license manager->import, rare)
fixed a bug in the XSI export script which could caused an import error in presence of multiple cameras (v1.1)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate wrong focal length values (distortion edit controls, exactly 4 matrix points, rare)
added active zooming funtions "Calc Zoom Curve from Scratch" & "Finetune Zoom Curve" (curve editor->calc->zoom curve)
added function "Make 3D Rot/Pos Curves Consistent" (curve editor->calc->zoom curve)
added function "Reset Zoom Curve" (curve editor->calc->zoom curve)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to insert an extra keyframe into each camera's zoom curve (main Window->3de4->open project)
added a script to export the current camera and all point groups to Nuke (creates a .nk file)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to premature collpase a whole menu, when clicking on a submenu (prefs->always collapse menus option activated)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to scale a curve by a large factor instead of slightly filtering it (python command "filter1D()", used in Filter Curves script)
calc framerange menu now opens up towards the top of the window (simillar to all other main window menus)
added passive zooming support
tracking direction mode of points, created in the first frame, are forced to "forward only" (CTRL+LMB, motiontracking controls)
tracking direction mode of points, created in the last frame, are forced to "backward only" (CTRL+LMB, motiontracking controls)
added context menu to define shortcut for loading an environment (main window->environments menu)
extended 3DE4's python interface for accessing distortion matrix data
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate wrong focal length values (distortion edit controls->calc)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to display a wrong FOV ratio when switching between frames of different image aspect
fixed a bug which prevented 3DE4 from importing a license file (license manager->import, rare)
added a number of toggles to configure the output of more detailed point infos (manual tracking controls->view->configure point infos)
python scripts within a menu are now being sorted automatically according to their labels
added script "Reel in Points" which allows to create backprojected 2D tracking curves (motion tracking controls->edit)
added a full export script for Softimage XSI which allows to export all of 3DE's data (creates vb scripts)
further bug fixes and improvements for 3DE4's calculation core
added a function that allows to restore all shortcuts to their initial default state
improved performance of the deviation browser (massive amount of point curves)
added functionality for displaying point weight curves (deviation browser)
by default disabled automatic point weighting for manually created points
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate wrong point deviation curves
fixed a bug within 3DE4's autotracking routine (wasting memory on projects containing a large number of frames)
enabled partial image buffer decompression (better performance for tracking & playback, when zoomed in)
fixed a bug which caused the object browser to randomly select multiple objects on double clicking a single entry
improved performance of autotracking routine
added frame range calculation feature
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash in some rare situations (distortion edit controls, snap function)
fixed a bug in python script "Export 2D Tracks" which prevented 3DE4 from exporting anything at all (v1.1)
tracking direction status is now being displayed in object browser (point objects)
filewidget objects (python interface) automatically add file extension, if parameter "filter_pattern" is not equal to "*"
added exporting of scene node transformations to maya export script (v1.1)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to lose all filtered rot/pos curves (curve editor, rare)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to hang after an adjustment procedure
postfilter feature added
added a python script for applying the postfilter to the current point group only (curve editor->calc->3d rot/pos curves)