3ality Metadata File Format
  • c++
  • 3ality Metadata File Format Wolfgang Niedermeier - Weta Digital

The 3ality metadata file format looks like this (sample line):

TC:05:45:54:08:02 F:004.83 I:004.62 Z:007.80 A:000.91 C:010.28

Note that line 1 of the file will be imported onto frame 1 in 3DE4 (see script "Import 3ality Metadata"), all existing lines in the file will be imported onto the following (sub)frames.

SIP2 metadata packets are fixed-length 61 bytes ASCII strings represented as follows:

Bytes Number Values Comments
0-2 "TC:" Prefix for Timecode
3-4 2 Digit: Timecode hours (0..24)
5 ":" Timecode seperators
6-7 2 Digit: Timecode minutes (0..59)
8 ":" Timecode seperators
9-10 2 Digit: Timecode seconds (0..59)
11 ":" Timecode seperators
12-13 2 Digit: Timecode frames (0..59)
14 ":" Timecode seperators
15-16 2 Digit: Counter for Metadata packet within video frame (theoretically 0..99, usually 0..7)
17-19 "F:" Prefix for Focus distance in feet, measured from nodal point.
20-25 Focus in fixed point notation: 3 leading digits, decimal point, 2 trailing digits
26-28 "I:" Prefix for Iris in T- stops.
29-34 Focus in fixed point notation: 3 leading digits, decimal point, 2 trailing digits
35-37 "Z:" Prefix for Zoom as focal length in mm.
38-43 Focus in fixed point notation: 3 leading digits, decimal point, 2 trailing digits
44-46 "A:" Prefix for Interaxial distance (Stereo camera baseline) in inches between nodal points of lenses
47-52 Interaxial distance in fixed point notation: 3 leading digits, decimal point, 2 trailing digits
53-55 "C:" Prefix for Convergence Distance in feet.
56-61 Convergence Distance in fixed point notation: 3 leading digits, decimal point, 2 trailing digits


TC:12:41:37:11:03 F:003.71 I:003.80 Z:008.69 A:002.46 C:008.36

This would mean:

Time: 12 hours, 41 minutes, 37 seconds (early afternoon)
Frame: 11, 3rd Metadata packet within frame
Focus: 3.71 feet
Iris: 3.80 T- stops
Zoom: 8.69 mm
Interaxial Distance: 2.46 inch
Convergence Distance: 8.36 feet

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