- 3DEqualizer4 R8.0 beta14, improved stabilizer models
Dear Friends of 3DE,
well, it's a bit embarrassing, but we actually managed to fuck up the stabilizer models of b12 once again. So, here is the 3rd iteration of these new distortion models (3DE4 R8.0 beta14). They should behave much better if combined with extreme (degree 2/4/6) distortion values. Hopefully, everything is working fine now - I'm sorry for the trouble...
To make confusion even worse, there is also a new LDPK. If you're using Nuke, please make sure to use 3DE4 R8.0b14 only in connection with the nodes of LDPK 2.12.0!
- re-implemented stabilizer lens distortion models
- improved behavior of script "optimize cvs" (enlarged parameter ranges)
- improved performance of 3deasc family of scripts (large projects)
- fixed a bug which could cause memory leaks with certain python commands (return list objects)
- re-implemented both stabilizer LD models for better mimicking sensor shifts
- improved behavior of 3DE's blocking objects feature (tolerance parameter, removal of "extras")
- added 10x new python commands for reading/writing 2d tracking curve data
- removed conflicting shortcuts from script "animation distortion"
- added "calc all" option to script "LSF sequence tool"
- added frame- and calculation range display for curve editor/distortion curves
- added a new script copying and pasting of masks
- improved behavior of F2/tracking/FWBW points (annoying requester posted less often)
- improved robustness of curve editor/undo/redo (large projects)
- improved overall robustness (internal guts)
- 3DE Ascii - fixed a bug that set some 2d track segments to "obsolete" when importing/merging files
- Duplicate Point - fixed a bug that set some 2d track segments to "obsolete" when duplicating points
- fixed a bug in regard to 3DE's python preventing installation of certain 3rd party modules (windows only)
- fixed a bug in script "export 2d tracks" (context menu problem)
- fixed a bug which caused the user to press "F2/stop" button twice (mac only)
- fixed a bug in script "resample curves" (missing last frames)
- fixed a bug in script "filter curves" when trying to filter curves containing no CVs
- fixed a bug in script "transform masks" (python console errors, camera without footage)
- fixed a bug which caused script "script db installer" to error out (linux only)
- added python 3.9.18 support on all platforms
- significantly updated 3DE's GUI under MacOS (from the ground up)
- added a new feature for creating holdout 3d models out of autotracking masks
- added a new feature for reducing the vertex count of 3d models
- added a new feature to F2/overlay grid (show circle, aim point)
- added a new feature for defining an aim constraint for 3d models
- added a new feature for disabling individual autotracking masks
- added a new option for not showing hidden points in deviation browser
- added the option to show motion vectors in F5
- added a new feature for projecting a point onto the 3d model of a different point group (F5)
- added a new option for "rendering tracked 3d points only" (script "save out rendered frames")
- 3DE now returns an exit code if no license is found ("no gui" mode)
- added a "apply result" button to LSF solver script
- added more error checks to "save project (as)"
- added options "direction" and "reference pattern" to script "point defaults"
- added new option to F2/view for only showing +/- 10 frames of a 2d tracking curve
- added an extra horizontal line to the 0.0 position (curve editor)
- added an additional option to 3DE's "filter points" function ("infinitely distant points")
- added the option to search for a certain point (attribute editor, select point requesters)
- added a new "stabilizer" lens distortion model for radial lenses
- added a new "stabilizer" lens distortion model for anamorphic lenses
- added a new toggle to F2/F5 view menu ("force center 3d if 2d invisible")
- added a new label to curve editor/cursor (lens distortion curves, dynamic distortion)
- added a the ability to import vertex colors to 3DE's "import alembic" script
- added new script for running sequences of LSF operations
- added new scripts for enabling/disabling autotracking masks
- added new script for displaying the size of a tracked marker in px
- added new script for attaching a 3d model to a pair of points
- added new script for the fast optimization of multiple CVs (curve editor)
- added new script for the resampling of existing curves
- added new script for importing (dynamic) lens distortion from a sequence of stmap files
- added new scripts for flattening the lens rotation curve of a lens (dynamic distortion)
- added new scripts for import/export of USD files
- added new scripts for the import/export/merge of 3deasc files
- added new scripts for duplicating individual cameras/point groups/points
- added a new script for transforming autotracking masks
- renamed flame export script to "export distortion as flame matchbox node"
- added a new script for exporting a project to maya (no MEL, python output only)
- added new python commands for reading persistent ids of more objects (3d models, CVs, geo lines, constraints, etc.)
- added new python command for writing the 3d model filepath attribute
- added new python command for adding a callback which is invoked once 3DE/exit has been selected by the user
- added new python commands for reading/writing image mask attributes
- added new python command for reading the list of all currently available lens distortion models
- added new python commands for reading the display- and data window size of openexr files
- added new python commands for reading/writing autotracking mask enabled flags
- added new python commands for reading/writing 3d model aim constraint attributes
- added new python command for reading the size of a previously tracked marker
- added new python commands for reading/writing lists of 3d model vertex, face and line data
- added new python command for retrieving the current display area size and position
- added new python commands for reading/writing the selection flags of autotracking masks CVs
- added new python command for calculating lens distortion from an arbitrary set of point pairs
- added new python command for reducing the vertex count of a 3d model
- added new python commands for read/write GUI widget visibility flags
- added new python command for reading a list of all persistent string tags
- added a number of previously missing python commands (rootframes, motion extraction, invert point cloud, etc.)
- changed default settings for prefs/legacy open gl image rendering (gldrawpixels problem)
- fixed a bug with python command "setCameraPath" which could cause 3DE to crash (rare)
- fixed some bugs in script "export fast buffer compression file"
- fixed a bug in script "scrptdb installer" which could cause 3DE to crash (windows, install multiple scripts)
- fixed a bug which caused the python timer to stop (cancel of adjustment scripts)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (plane constraints, untracked or disabled points)
- fixed a rendering problem in F1/F5 (zooming, motion blur)
- fixed a problem in 3DE's file requester (multiple "*" in filter)
- fixed a bug in script "image warp" (skipping the rendering of some frames)
- fixed a problem in script "nudge tool" (properly updating interpolated tracking curves)
- fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash (macos, python command "setPointPosition2DBlock")
- fixed a bug in script "reel in points" (first frame not equal to "1")
- fixed a bug which caused script "image warp" to malfunction in case floating point numbers were entered
- fixed a bug which caused the "scriptdb installer" script to filter list entries incorrectly
- fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash (windows only, new project/open project)
- fixed a bug which caused 3DE not to store the rescale parameter (script "import multiple ref. frames")
- patched a problem which could cause 3D Models to become corrupted (faces containing the same point multiple times)
- fixed a minor display bug (license manager window)
- improved the behavior of 3DE when running a different version (matching scripts for that version are being started)
- improved the performance of curve editor (large number of frames)
- improved the font rendering speed (under macos significantly)
- optimized the tangent lengths of newly created CVs (curve editor)
- improved script "duplicate lens" (now copying the parameters of all distortion models)
- improved the behavior when converting a point from bw to fw/bw
- improved all "extract" function in F6 now taking ortho mode properly into account
- improved python command "calcPointPosition3D" (now taking ld into account)
- improved script "import raw lidar scan" (thanks to Ralph)
- improved the robustness of 3DE's anamorphic distortion models ("weird" GoPro footage)
- improved the robustness of flcd4 against some nasty "security" tools (such as "defense")
- improved import performance of .obj files significantly
- improved GUI performance of 3DE's file requester (large files)
- improved the performance of script "calc point deviations" (zooming, dynamic distortion)
- added a number of new features to rotomation editor
- updated script "save out rendered frames" with some quality of life features
- changed the order of rotational and positional curves in curve editor
Cheers, Rolf