During the last few weeks we fixed a number of bugs and added a few improvements (thanks to all the beta testers!). As an early christmas present here comes 3DE4 R6b3 - enjoy!
Cheers, Rolf
added command line tool "create_identity_uv_map" for generating plain stmap files (openexr format)
added a python command for retrieving the resolution of the current main window
added a command line option to "tde4mhpd" to output its version only
added the ability to import animated meshes into 3DE through alembic
disabled scale widget "prefs->allow for network calc" under windows (because it made no sense)
added an upper limit for row/columns of distortion grids (attr. editor)
fixed a bug within script "Python GUI Editor" (save, "can't pickle" error)
fixed a bug within script "align to reference pattern" not taking frame offset into account
fixed a bug with "lock channels" constraints not working properly (sync/stereo, object point groups)
fixed a bug which caused parameter adjustment to crash 3DE (script parameters and network calc enabled)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash during startup (rare, specific VPN configuration)
fixed a bug with function "generate uv texture map" not working properly for "regular" cameras
fixed a bug within script "export flame lens distortion" not working under windows properly
improved the behavior of script "calc->triangulate points"
fixed a bug with python command "getContextMenuObject()" not working properly on points
fixed a bug which caused option "match frame lineup points only" not working properly (F5)
fixed a bug which caused lineup controls not to work properly (rare, invert point cloud mode enabled)
a number of minor bugfixes and improvements
fixed a bug which caused lineup points not to work properly (F5)
fixed a bug which caused function "finetune all objects" not to work (lock channels constraints activated)
improved script "shift curves" (v1.2, timeline editor, thanks to Unai)
added new script "Align Point to Ref. Pattern"
added a new script for exporting distortion to Flame
added a new script for importing "undistort stMaps" and converting them to a matrix
added new python commands for retrieving specific pixel information of a given image file
added new python commands for reading and writing 3DE's preferences
added a new, interactive script for importing alembic files
added a new script for exporting an alembic file
added new functions for extracting 3D survey coordinates from lines and polygons of 3D models (F6)
added a new display option to lineup controls for hiding all 2D tracking points no matter what
improved the rendering of dense points clouds (F6, z buffer)
improved line rendering performance up to 300%
added a "FOV crop mask" feature to F1, F2 and F5
added a script which allows to define "FVO crop mask"
added actual point colors to points object being displayed in the object browser
object browser now allows to rearrange the order of 3D models (RMB)
added little dots to the 2D tracking curves (F2)
significantly improved performance of 3DE's timeline editor (reference frames, many points)
added features for rotating the overlay grid (F2)
added a new "foreground rendering" feature to overview controls
improved script "Save out Rendered Frames" now allowing to define a number of different rendering modes
added a python command for setting various rendering modes used by command "saveRenderCacheFrame()"
added a new mode to prefs which forces 3DE not to import any compressed buffers into memory (instead always loading those from file)
improved the speed for importing .obj file by nearly 50%
added a new option to script "Object PGroup Z Distance Tool" which allows to set a tracking point as pivot
added a requester which asks for permission to import any "reference only" 3D models (open project)
3DE now deletes deviation curves of disabled points (calc all from scratch)