3DEqualizer4 Release 5 available now3DEqualizer4 Release 5
Latest Update: 01/22/18
Dear Friends of 3DE!
the final version of 3DE4 Release 5 has now become available. We worked hard on this one - actually started' its development in 2015.
All in all, we introduced an enormous amount of new features, improved existing ones and added nearly 100 new python commands... as you can see from the changelog below!
This final version mainly contains a number of annoying (solver related) bugfixes as well as some new python commands.
3DEqualizer will return, so stay tuned for more!
Cheers, Rolf
added a python command for setting the project's file path
added python commands for reading & writing a list widget's item color
added python commands for reading & writing a point group's postfilter value
improved the behavior of function "F2->End Point" (mocap pgroups, tracking curve interpolation)
added option "Valid" to script "Define Point Defaults"
modified script "Calc LSF" (enhanced mode enabled by default)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when working in F5 (match frame, rare)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE's solver to error out with a "Division by zero" message (points survey y locked to 0.0, rare)
fixed a number of bugs which caused 3DE to crash ("Automatic Determine Rootframes" deactivated, not so rare)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash in F2 (marker tracking mode, rare)
fixed a bug with 3DE's LSF survey solver producing bad euler flips (1 point solves)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to import dpx images incorrectly (10bit rgba)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when pasting text into a textfield (empty clipboard, rare)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to refuse calculating object point groups (sync, stereo)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to animate mocap point groups (mocap survey points, fcp mode)
fixed a problem which caused 3DE to set edit curves of interpolated frames to 0.0 (curve editor)
fixed a rendering bug which caused the distortion grid to freak out (F3, "undistort" mode disabled)
fixed a bug which caused the rendering of fat black lines across images (F1, "Save Out Rendered Frames", reapply distortion enabled)
fixed a problem with script "import raw lidar scan" (.pts files, wrong colors)
fixed a number of minor, solver related problems
added a new python command for calculating a single frame of a camera via a "LSF" survey solver
added a new python command for calculating a single frame of an object (point group) in respect to a given camera via a "LSF" survey solver
added some new python commands for reading the unique "persistent ID" of given cameras, point groups, points and lenses
added some new python commands for finding an object according to its unique "persistent ID"
added a new python infrastructure for reading & writing custom data from/into 3DE's database
added a new python command for reading the currently active timer settings
added a new python frontend command for reading a point's weight in relation to a given camera & frame
added a new python command for reading the "global space" 3D curves of a given (object) point group
added a new python command for writing the type of a point group
added a new python command for reading the camera position and target point of a 3D area widget
added a new script for driving 3DE's new "LSF" survey solver
added a new script for flopping curves (curve editor)
improved script "create regular points from matrix" (added geo lines, visible in F1, F5 & F6)
improved script "transform to poses" (v1.9, pivoting feature)
fixed a bug in connection with 3DE's python console window which caused its textfield to become unresponsive (rare)
improved the behavior of 3DE's python console window which now prevents its textfield from executing its content in case it loses the keyboard focus
improved "F2->edit->merge points" now handling points with different tracking directions correctly
improved script "import curves" (object point groups, global space mode active)
fixed a bug with script "export blender" (v1.2, euler flipping problems)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash when printing very long lines into its python console (rare)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (F6, "unlocked" mode active, geo lines selected, translate point, rare)
recompiled python2.7 which is part of 3DE's installation tree (linux64 only)
introduced a new autotracking feature for reference frames (F4)
redeveloped 3DE's "refine polygons" feature from scratch (F6)
introduced an additional function for creating meshes from given point clouds ("advanced skinning")
introduced a new very fast function for creating UV coordinates of 3D models
added the ability to search for badly tracked (autotracking) points in reference frames ("find badly tracked points" feature)
added a new parameter for controlling the border around faces when generating "UV texture maps" (F6)
3DE now takes the z depth of 3D models properly into account when generating "UV texture maps" (F6)
added some finer controls to F6 for the display of camera objects
added a gamma/softclip feature to warp4 (affects the output of 8bit images only)
added a new "live update" option to 3DE's "lambertizer" function (F6)
split "project points of 3d model" function into 2 separate menu buttons (F5)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE to generate wrong "UV texture maps" (F6, long-lat conversion enabled)