3DE4 R4b8, new website and more
  • 3DE4 R4
  • 3DE4 R4b8 - new website and more 3DEqualizer4 Release 4

Dear Friends of 3DE!

today we uploaded the last beta version of 3DE4 Release 4 (beta8). Beside a few bugfixes and minor improvements (see changelog below), it introduces our brand new cloud based licensing system (flcd4 v2.0). The final version of Release 4 will become available shortly...

To support our new licensing system there is an all new website which provides individual user accounts. A user account is needed to purchase permanent licenses or subscriptions, can be used to build up a public freelancer profile and soon will allow it to share personal python scripts with other users - enjoy!

Cheers, Rolf

  • introduced new cloud based licensing system (flcd4 v2.0b1)
  • added a new python command for re-building all python GUI menus and buttons
  • fixed a bug in python command convertObjectPGroupTransformationWorldTo3DE()
  • fixed a bug in python command get3DModelVertexColor()
  • improved rendering of 2D tracking curves (F2, valid options)
  • expanded the overlay grid size by 20%
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (postQuestionReq() command, rare)
  • increased the size of 3DE's point undo stack
  • slightly improved script "Import Raw LIDAR Scan" (v1.2)
  • fixed a bug in 3DE's python vector library
  • bugfixes and improvements (calculation core)

  • fixed a bug which caused warp4 to crop all image content located outside the FOV
  • added FOV size & offset as well as orig. resolution textfields to warp4 (v1.4b7)
  • slightly improved script "Set FOV" (v1.3)
  • added a new python command which allows to calculate distortion parameters out of a matrix
  • setting "valid inside frame" is now default for newly created points
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to discard the output of the python console (rare, progress requester active)
  • slightly improved the behaviour of all list widget sliders
  • fixed a number of calculation core related bugs
  • fixed a bug in script "export LD_3DE4 Distortion to Nuke" which caused an error on older versions of 3DE (v1.4)

  • fixed a bug which caused warp4 to crop all image content located outside the FOV
  • added FOV size & offset as well as orig. resolution textfields to warp4 (v1.4b7)
  • slightly improved script "Set FOV" (v1.3)
  • added a new python command which allows to calculate distortion parameters out of a matrix
  • setting "valid inside frame" is now default for newly created points
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to discard the output of the python console (rare, progress requester active)
  • slightly improved the behaviour of all list widget sliders
  • fixed a number of calculation core related bugs
  • fixed a bug in script "export LD_3DE4 Distortion to Nuke" which caused an error on older versions of 3DE (v1.4)
  • fixed a serious problem which caused 3DE to "misplace" the camera in 3D space (survey)
  • fixed a problem which caused passive points to have an influence on the calculation process
  • fixed a bug which caused lineup controls to freak out (autom. determine rootframes flag disabled)
  • fixed a bug which caused adjustment scripts "near nodal" & "camera path" to exit with an error (frame range calculation)
  • improved behavior of export scripts "nuke gridwarp" & "AE gridmesh" (extreme distortion, fisheye model)
  • fixed a problem in script "set fov" (lens consistency)
  • fixed a problem in script "export 2.5D maya" (non standard FOV)
  • added feature to script "reel in points" (overscan clipping)
  • improved the display of reconstructed 3D points ("green crosses", now clipped at 10% outside frame instead of FOV)
  • fixed a bug which caused incorrect projection of footage onto 3d models (non standard FOV)
  • added a new python command for forcing 3DE to make a lens consistent
  • added a new point option for more precisely defining where a point should be valid (inside fov, inside frame, everywhere)
  • added new python commands for accessing new point valid modes
  • fixed a sync related problem (1 camera, mocap-survey)
  • fixed a problem with script "copy to reference frame" (v1.1, FOV transferred)
  • fixed a number of calculation core related bugs

  • added new camera constraints for locking positional & rotational channels separately (tx/ty/tz, rx/ry/rz)
  • improved stability of flcd4 on all platforms and fixed annoying system ID bug under Windows (v1.0b9)
  • added new adjustment script for optimizing zoom curve's scale and/or offset
  • added new adjustment script for optimizing focus curve's scale and/or offset
  • added new adjustment script for optimizing camera path of near nodal camera (panning) moves
  • added new script for transforming a solve to previously defined lineup poses (cameraand object point groups)
  • added button "adjust samples" to 2DLUT editor script for optimizing distortion value of selected sample points
  • fixed a bug in script "adjust camera path" (v1.1)
  • added new script for converting focal length animation to/from Squeeze X/Y (anamorphic distort. model, thx to Patcha & Michael)
  • added new script for translating the pivot of 3D models (thx to Patcha & Michael)
  • added new script for nudging cameras, object pgroups & 3D models in 3D space (thx to Patcha & Michael)
  • added new script for nudging selected curve CVs (curve editor, thx to Patcha & Michael)
  • updated script "3d cones" (thx to Patcha & Michael)
  • updated script "store lens parameters" (thx to Dan)
  • added new script for export lens distortion animation data to after effects' "grid mesh" node
  • added new script "patch CV" for "intelligent curve blending" (curve editor, see also script "edit 2d tracks")
  • added new script "euler flipping filter" (curve editor)
  • added textfield "startframe" to script "export rolling shutter to nuke" (v1.4)
  • made script "export fast buffer compression file" compatible to Windows (v1.3, thx to Helder & Sebastian)
  • added script "recalculate deviation" for quickly updating the deviation curves of selected points
  • added script "import OBJ sequence" for importing animated 3d models
  • fixed a bug in script "export lens distortion to AE" (v1.9)
  • improved script "import kuper" now reading in zoom animation data (v1.6)
  • fixed a few minor bug in export script "3DS Max" (v1.4)
  • added "apply" button to script "filter curves" (curve editor)
  • slightly improved script "import curves" (curve editor, rot/pos curves, postfilter update)
  • fixed a rounding bug in script "save out rendered frames" (F1)
  • made script "normalize squeeze x/y" more robust (F3)
  • improved warp4's "image conversion" behavior, and fixed a TIFF export problem (v1.4b5)
  • improved rendering of "passive cursor" (curve editor, distortion curves)
  • improved function "merge points" now properly merging survey coordinates (F2)
  • fixed a display problem in F1 (toggling "remove rolling shutter" display mode)
  • modified the behavior of requester "delete selected objects" (cameras and point groups never pre-selected by default)
  • added option "triangulated" to "filter points" requester (object browser)
  • improved function "project points on 3d models" now taking near clipping plane into account (F5)
  • slightly improved textarea output of "curve calculation" requester now showing proper units instead of cm (curve editor)
  • overview controls now renders solid frame lines into (saved out) images at FOV boundaries
  • buttons "key+/" now correctly works on reference frames
  • significantly improved the behavior and robustness of 3DE's marker tracking procedure
  • re-configured the minimum "near clipping plane" setting to 0.1 (cm)
  • improved 3DE's automatic lens consistency behavior (attr. editor, camera>lens...)
  • allowed 3DE's 2D tracking features to track outside the FOV (but inside frame) by default
  • added some bells & whistles to 3DE's file requester
  • fixed a minor gfx glitch (parameter adjustment window, "Min:" flag)
  • added "show horizon line" display toggle to overview controls
  • fixed a minor update problem (attr. editor, 8 bit color conversion fields)
  • added new "savePGroupLineup3DPose()" command to python interface
  • added new "calcMatchFramePos/Rot3DOnly()" commands to python interface
  • added new "set/getPGroupFrameSelectionFlag()" commands to python interface
  • added new "getPGroupEditCurve()" command to python interface
  • added new "set/getPointCalculation3DStatus()" commands to python interface
  • added new python commands for accessing all camera constraint attributes
  • added new parameter to python command "addScaleWidget()" for defining MMB increment
  • fixed a bug in python command "convertObjectPGroupTransformation3DEToWorld()"
  • fixed a slight problem in interpretation of python metatag "#3DE4.script.gui.button:"
  • significantly improved performance of all python commands which provide access to point related attributes
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (calc all from scratch, manually defined rootframes)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to crash (lineup point in object point group)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to ignore the flag "rolling shutter enabled" (calc all from scratch, always enabled)

  • fixed a serious network calculation bug which prevented 3DE from identifying versions of calculation nodes correctly
  • added script "store lens parameters" (v3.10, thanks to Dan Lowenberg!)
  • slightly improved the behavior while dragging lineup points (lineup controls)
  • copy of attr. editor>3d model>filepath now works correctly (context menu)
  • length of camera names pimped to 200 characters
  • fixed a bug which could cause 3DE to crash (calc all from scratch, manually defined rootframes, rare)

  • added a new adjustment script for optimizing 3D camera paths (locked channels constraint)
  • added a new adjustment script for optimizing selected CVs (curve editor, animation curves)
  • added a feature for dragging multiple lineup points simultaneously (lineup controls, SHIFT+LMB)
  • fixed a bug in script "create dynamic distortion keys" (v1.4)
  • added much improved version of scripts "import/export equalizerMerge" (v1.3, thanks to Helder!)
  • fixed a minor GUI problem (attr. editor, near/far clipping planes)
  • added new script "select lens" (object browser, camera context menu)
  • improved scripts "import/export lens" now supporting 2dlut sample points (v1.6)
  • names of lens object now have a max. length of 200 characters
  • added a feature to timeline editor for configuring the appearance of red frame markings
  • fixed a problem with orientation controls not being able to handle large image files
  • fixed a bug in command line tool "makeBCFile" which caused image artifacts (v1.2)
  • added a new script for displaying the distortion values for the current frame
  • improved script "edit constraint attributes" (v1.1, thanks to Helder!)
  • fixed a few problems within adjustment script "adjust i/o curve scale & offset" (v1.1)
  • "scale" widgets now display out-of-range values ("double" type only)
  • added more options to function "parameter adjustment window>remove all"
  • improved script "adjust multiple survey points" (v1.1)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to fill 2D tracking curves of untracked points with garbage (mocap only)
  • script "reload 3d models" can now be accessed through context menu (object browser)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE not to rename newly created camera objects anymore (browser footage function)
  • minor bug fixes for script "python script editor" (1.2)
  • slightly improved cinema 4d export script (v1.1)
  • fixed a bug which caused flag "affect calc of synced cameras" always to be ignored (pgroup attributes)
  • fixed a problem with sync option "mirror points" not working properly (camera attributes)
  • fixed a problem with python command "convertOpenEXRMetaDataToXML()" sometimes returning bad results
  • fixed a problem which caused the adjustment procedure to error out (script parameters with same names)
  • Bugfix: Warp4, compression methods for OpenEXR under Windows (v1.4b4)
  • Bugfix: reduced / eliminated impact of passive points on calculation
  • Bugfix: well-defined deviation for non-calculated frames
  • Bugfix: buffer compression should now be thread-safe
  • Bugfix: improved scene alignment after core calculation
  • Bugfix: correct object names in progress window
  • Bugfix: user-friendly handling of projects with sync but only one camera
  • Bugfix: distance constraints with two surveyed points are now ignored
  • Bugfix: distance constraints with one surveyed point are now handled correctly
  • Beautifying: points are updated in the progress window during calculation
  • Beautifying: selector syntax slightly simplified, compatible to parameter scripting document
  • Versioning: switched to OpenEXR 2.2 (3DE as well as warp4)
  • Versioning: mhp with updated core is now version 1.5
  • Documentation: Parameter scripting, see here

  • added a new feature for handling multiple distance constraints per point group
  • added a new survey point feature which allows to define less than three coordinates (plane/line-constraints)
  • added radius parameter which forces 3DE to keep approx. surveyed points within a certain distance to their original position
  • added a new near/far-point constraint feature (avoid inverted point clouds)
  • added python commands for reading/writing new point constraint attributes
  • added a new feature which allows to adjust "custom" project parameters modeled through special python scripts
  • added a number of specific python commands for "custom" parameter adjustment
  • added a new adjustment script for optimizing the 3D translation and/or orientation of a group of survey points
  • added a new adjustment script for optimizing the distance parameter of a distance constraint
  • added a new adjustment script for optimizing the scale and/or offset of an existing stereo interocular curve
  • added a new adjustment script for optimizing the offset of a secondary stereo camera's zoom curve
  • added a new feature to drive dynamic distortion by focal length and focus distance (2D lookup table/2D LUT)
  • added a number of new python commands for accessing a lens object's 2D LUT dynamic distortion attributes
  • added a new python widget for rendering 3D object trees (3DAreaWidget)
  • added a number of new python commands for building up 3D object trees
  • added a new, interactive script for editing 2D LUTs
  • added a new "re-apply distortion" mode to python command "saveRenderCacheFrame()"
  • updated script "save out rendered frames" (v1.4, new option "re-apply distortion")
  • added a new (multithreaded) commandline tool for creating 3DE buffer compression files (makeBCFile)
  • added a new script for easily running "makeBCFile" directly from 3DE's GUI (thanks to Helder!)
  • added a new feature for importing long-lat spheremap files and converting them into regular image sequences on-the-fly (nodal pan)
  • added new features to warp4 which allows to define output fileformat options and output scale (v1.4b3)
  • added new python command for reading the meta data of openexr files
  • added new python command which returns the filepath of the image file of a specific camera/frame
  • added a new python timer callback infrastructure
  • added a new python command which forces 3DE to flush its GUI event queue
  • added a new python command which allows to perform a "new project" action
  • added a large number of python commands for accessing all kinds of camera attributes
  • added a large number of python commands for accessing all kinds of point attributes
  • added new scripts for copy/paste of curve editor curves
  • script "export rolling shutter to nuke" now behaves exactly the same as 3DE's buildin "remove RS" functions
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE's "nuke export" script to generate "euler flipping" problems
  • added a few new options to 3D orientation controls for disabling the selection of points, 3d models, geo objects and constraints
  • 3D orientation controls can now be used in presence of cameras containing no footage
  • added a new option to 3D orientation controls which allows to parent the viewport to the current object point group
  • read only textfields now allow it to copy its content to the clipboard
  • lineup controls' horizon rendering feature now shows some small markings below the horizon line
  • added a "remove pose" button to lineup controls
  • fixed a bug which caused "posed" reference frames to be displayed incorrectly (lineup controls)
  • patched a problem which caused lineup controls' "project points" function not to work correctly (rare, near clipping plane = 0.01)
  • fixed a minor rendering bug of option "show 3d points perspectively"
  • slightly increased the sensitivity areas of tracking boxes (motiontracking controls)
  • fixed a bug which could cause a problem in parameter adjustment window (rare, ignoring new result samples, frame range enabled)
  • fixed a bug which could cause function "find badly tracked points" to hang (rare)
  • added a cancel button to function "find badly tracked points"
  • added new "hidden/visible" filter option to "filter points" requester
  • fixed a bug in script "reverse reel in" not working correctly in connection with object point groups
  • fixed a problem with 3DE's license server software flcd4 sometimes returning different "system id" values (v1.0b8, windows only)
  • fixed a python related problem within 3DE's startup script (thanks to Weta, linux only)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE's "locked channels" constraint feature not to work correctly in connection with sync'ed cameras
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE not to display "8bit color conversion" changes immediately (rare)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE to display a gray checkerboard instead of the actual footage in parts of the frame (OSX only)
  • fixed a bug which caused 3DE's python command "setCameraPath()" not to initialize some "8bit color conversion" settings properly
  • added an additional parameter to python commands set/getLensLDAdjustableParameter() to support 2D LUTs properly 
  • fixed a number of calculation core related bugs

  • fixed a number of bugs which caused many calculation core related problems (stereo & sync)
  • improved some aspects of 3DE's calculation requester (clipping planes, button behaviour, etc.)
  • added two python commands for converting 3D data to/from object point groups
  • updated "import kuper" script, now properly taking care of object pointgroups (v1.4)
  • added 12bit dpx support for 3DE and warp4
  • improved performance of warp4 under certain conditions (import of .3de file containing links to large objs)
  • fixed an update problem with deviation browser (show selected points only option)
  • fixed another update problem with deviation browser (python interface)
  • fixed a bug which caused python command "filterPGroup()" not to work properly (stereo)
  • fixed a bug which caused various lineup controls functions not to work properly (stereo)
  • added "key+/" functions to "edit 2D tracks tool" script (v1.4)
  • slightly improved the behaviour of autotracking spline masks (now enabled by default)
  • added a visibility attribute for geo line objects (python)
  • updated script "geo line attributes" (v1.1, "visible" toggle)
  • parameter adjustment window now disables more buttons while adjustment procedure is running
  • improved the behaviour of script "export 3d models as obj" (v1.5, lines now handled correcty)
  • fixed a significant number of calculation core related problems

  • introduced a new framework for network calculation (parameter adjustment, dynamic curve calculation)
  • python command saveRenderCacheFrame() now provides subpixel accuracy (offset_x/y parameters)
  • python command saveRenderCacheFrame() now uses a black background
  • python command saveRenderCacheFrame() is now about 10% faster
  • updated "render out" script taking changes to saveRenderCacheFrame() into account (v1.3)
  • added python command saveRenderCacheZBuffer() for saving out depth map image files
  • added script "render out depth mpas" (overview controls)
  • added an option for defining the line rendering width used by 3DE's overview controls and render output
  • added python commands for accessing 3DE's new line rendering width attribute
  • added python commands for accessing a project's motionblur samples
  • added a number of python commands for accessing 3DE's image controls features
  • added a script for animating image controls (motiontracking controls)
  • fixed a problem which caused python scripts not being able to modify camera paths properly
  • added 2D & 3D point color settings to 3DE's "point defaults" script (v1.1)
  • patched an OpenGL performance problem (OSX 10.8 or higher)
  • added playback range indicators to deviation browser, curveand timeline editor
  • added duplicate lens script (object browser>context menu)
  • improved script "import raw lidar scan" (y-up/z-up option, reduce point density option, v1.1)
  • disabled 3DE's "auto levels" feature (import float footage, 8 bit color conversion)
  • added a new script for modifying a 3D model's pivot point (orientation controls)
  • added new frame range options to script "reel in points" (v1.4)
  • updated script "create dyn. curve keys" now allowing to choose between focus and focal length (v1.1)
  • reduced min. focus limit to 1 cm (calculate dynamic curve requester)
  • added a new option to lineup controls which forces 3DE to ignore non "lineup only" points for calculation
  • updated script "match frame all" (ignore non "lineup only" points option, v1.1)
  • hidden 3D models are now displayed in dark grey (object browser)
  • added python commands for accessing a camera's shutter angle
  • added a script for reversing the tracking curves of all selected points (motiontracking controls)
  • fixed a number of calculation core related bugs

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