A new beta version (r1b14) has been rolled out today. We're at the end of development - if all goes well, then the next version will become the final build of 3DE4 R1!
R1b14 mainly contains:
fixed stability issues under Windows
a large number of improvements & bug fixes for 3DE4's calculation core
3DE4 is now being linked dynamically against Python (Linux, 64bit)
To achieve that <install dir>/bin/3DE4 is no longer the actual executable. Instead, it has become a small startup script which sets environment variables "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" and "PYTHONHOME" before starting 3DE4's executable (now named 3DE4.bin). Please feel free to modify this script according to your needs, which will allow you to let 3DE4/linux64 use your own "flavor" of Python (2.6)...
Please see changelog below for more details!
Cheers, Rolf
improved stability of "reel in points" script (v1.1)
fixed a bug which could cause 3DE4 to crash when using more than 4GB of RAM (Windows only)
added a new python script for optimizing scale & offset of (imported) dynamic interocular curves
added a new python script for calculating the current frame's to be expected overscan warp area (warp4, remove distortion, automatic overscan)
3DE4 is now linked dynamically against python (linux64)
added a new startup script to set LD_LIBARY_PATH and PYTHONHOME properly before actually running 3DE4 (linux64)
added a new function to remove all to be adjusted parameters in one go (parameter adjustment window)
removed consistency check of python command setLensLDAdjustableParameter()
improved behaviour of function "delete curve until end" and "delete curve from beginning" (motiontracking controls)
added new python command setCameraZoomingFlag()
added new python commands set/getCameraStereoInterocular()
significantly improved performance of some of 3DE4's gui functions (linux, multithreading)
added a large number of improvements and bug fixes to 3DE4's calculation core
fixed a bug with 3DE4's nudge scripts, now creating keyframes in the respective point's 2D tracking curve again (v1.4)
fixed a bug with 3DE4's push points scripts, now taking object point groups properly into account (v1.3)
fixed a bug, improved performance and added an additional option to 3DE4's homologous stereo tracking script (v1.2)
fixed a bug with 3DE4's transform 2d tracks script which could cause a python error when enabling the filter (v1.2)
set distortion model "classic" as default
fixed a bug with 3DE4's import 3ality metadata script (v1.2)
fixed a problem with python commands setCameraImageWidth/Height() not updating 3DE4's GUI properly
improved GUI performance (motion tracking controls, camera containing large number of frames)
implemented a dynamic image buffer handler to support machines containing more than 24 GB of memory
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4's "make rot/pos curves consistent" not to work properly (curve editor)
fixed a bug which caused lineup controls not to work properly
fixed a bug with 3DE4's export nuke cornerpin stereo script (v1.3)
added a number of improvements and bug fixes to 3DE4's calculation core
added "locked channels" positional camera constraints
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash if too much output was sent to its python console window
fixed a bug which caused log10 dpx images to be imported/displayed not correctly(big-/little endian)
fixed a bug which caused infinitely distant points to be placed too close to the camera
added 2 buttons for setting all enabled to be adjusted parameters to "adaptive" or "brute force"(parameter adjustment window)
added a python command for calculating a homography out of a given set of corresponding 2D points
added a number of python commands for driving 3DE4's 2D feature tracking engine
added 4 python commands for retrieving & setting a point's 2D tracking boxes and precise status information
added 2 python commands for retrieving the enabled flag of cameras and point groups
added a python script for calculating 3D point trajectories of mocap point groups(main window->calc->triangulate mocap points)
added a python script for tracking homologous features in camera "a" of a stereo project which have alredy been tracked in camera "b"
added a python script which allows to export a nuke corner pin node for aligning both eyes of a stereo project to each other
fixed a bug in 3DE4's maya export script, now allowing to export mocap point groups (v1.8)
added a feature to 3DE4's python script "transform 2d tracks" for filtering X/Y components (v1.1)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to lose some minor tracking related data when swapping curves (motiontracking controls->edit->swap curves)
added a python command for retrieving a point's weight setting
forced all import/export python scripts to show up under main window->3de4->file, as well
fixed a problem in python script "filter curves" which caused the result of a filtering process not to show up in 3DE4's 3D rot/pos curves immediately (v1.3)
added a python script which allows to align the currently selected point to its previous keyframe (motiontracking controls->tracking->align point to previous/next keyframe)
enabled distortion model "radial standard, degree 4" by default
added a number of improvements and bug fixes to 3DE4's calculation core
fixed a bug within 3DE4's "Classic" lens distortion model which could cause backprojected points to be displayed wrong (rare)
fixed a minor bug in python script "Filter Curves" which caused a curve's last frame not to be filtered at all (v1.2)
fixed a bug which could cause a point's outer tracking box to become smaller than its inner tracking box (autotracking procedure)
added a python command for shifting a point's 2D tracking curve along the timeline
added a python script for shifting the 2D tracking curves of all selected points along the timeline (timeline editor->edit->shift curves)
improved the behavior of 3DE4's "Center 3D" mode (motiontracking/lineup controls)
added a python command for setting a matrix point's 2D coordinate
added a script for 2D transforming all matrix points of the current camera (distortion edit controls->edit->transform matrix points)
added a script for exporting the current camera's 3D animation data as Kuper ascii (object browser->edit->export->export kuper)
added a script for 3D transforming all selected survey points of the current point group (orientation controls->edit->transform survey points)
fixed a bug which caused overscan images, created by warp4, to be at the same resolution as their source images (rare, v1.0b12)
fixed a minor licensing problem
fixed a bug which could cause 3DE4's parameter adjustment procedure to crash (win64 only)
fixed a bug which caused different/faulty calculation results (calc zoom curve vs. calc all from scratch, lens center offset, zooming)
added a new plugin infrastructure which allows to add custom lens distortion models to 3DE4
added 3 new lens distortion models
added new lens distortion models to warp4 (1.0b11)
set default shortcut "ENTER" for "Ok" button of all requesters
set default shortcut "ESC" for "Cancel" button of all requesters
added python command for setting the content of previously created widgets (setWidgetValue())
added two python commands for reading/writing a point's tracking mode (set/getPointTrackingMode())
added two python commands for reading/writing a point's tracking direction (set/getPointTrackingDirection())
added additional python commands for accessing 3DE4's new lens distortion plugin infrastructure
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to convert an 2D endframe to a keyframe when moving that point around (motiontracking controls, lmb)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to remove parts of a 2D tracking curve when converting from backward to forward tracking mode
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 not center points correctly when switching between cameras of different film aspect
fixed a few bugs in 3DE4's export to 3DS MAX script (v1.2)
added a new python script which allows to measure the distance between two selected points (3D space, orientation controls->edit->display distance)
added a feature to 3DE4's nudge scripts which allows to toggle to the next (or previous) frame for a short period of time (v1.3)
added WM_CLASS hint info "3DE4" to all of 3DED4's windows (Linux, OSX)
added a new python script which allows to export the 2D tracking curve of a single point into a plain ascii file (object browser->edit->export->export 2d track plain ascii)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to waste a lot of memory when adjusting more than 5 parameters using brute force (parameter adjustment window)
added two new python commands for getting/setting a pointgroup's postfilter mode
added a function which allows to free all currently used imagebuffers (main window->playback->clear imagebuffers)
added a new python script for importing motion control moves from kuper files (object browser->file->import->import kuper v1.1)
python script "Export 2D Tracks" now allows to offset the export data by an arbitrary amount of frames (v1.3)
updated python scripts "import/export lens" to take new lens distortion infrastructure into account (v1.1/v1.2)
3DE4 now allows to swap the tracking curves of two points within all of a project's cameras (motiontracking controls->edit->swap curves)
3DE4 now allows to select points tracked (not tracked) in all cameras (object browser, filter points requester)
added a new python script for making the next camera the main window's current one (main window->python->set next camera)
fixed a bug which prevented 3DE4's file requester from displaying any network drives (windows only)
fixed a bug now allowing it to adjust pixel aspect (parameter adjustment window)
added a new python script for transforming a 2D tracking curve (motiontracking controls->edit->transform 2d tracks)
improved the "View All" behaviour of 3DE4's curve editor (rot/pos xyz curves)
added an optional "default path" parameter to python command postFileRequester()
added further python commands for setting/retrieving a camera's stereo mode and orientation
fixed a crash caused by OpenEXR images with "dataWindow" not being the same size as "displayWindow"
fixed a bug which caused problems when calculating multi point group projects containing reference frames
fixed a bug which caused warp4 to create openEXR "uv" images with a data range different from the original one
fixed a number of calculation core related bugs
added a number of minor improvements to 3DE4's calculation core
ctrl+shift+lmb now creates a new "backwards only tracking" point (motiontracking controls)
fixed a serious bug which causes 3DE4 to crash when working with insane long image filepaths (rare)
added a new feature to warp4 which allows to expand the resolution of output images (overscan) so that no image content gets lost (GUI & command line mode, v1.0b10)
fixed a bug in warp4 which caused problems when warping 10bit-log .dpx files (v1.0b10)
added a feature to warp4 which allows to "warp back" previously warped "overscan" footage (reapply distortion/original fov, v1.0b10)
added 2 new python commands for loading and saving 3DE project files
added a new python command to query the status of the current project
fixed a bug which caused object point groups not to become properly refreshed within all windows when editing their 3D rot/pos curves (curve editor)
added a python script for adding a prefix to the names of all selected points of the current point group (object browser->edit->rename points)
added a command line option which allows to open a project file at startup ("-open <3de project file>")
3DE4's python console window now allows to copy text into the clipboard (click-drag lmb)
fixed a minor display bug which caused 3DE4 to render reconstructed 3D point position crosses at inconsistent sizes (rare, stereo, "perspectively" option)
added a new python command for calculating the current project from scratch (similar to main window->calc->calc all from scratch)
3DE4's calculation progress window now always stays open, if the calculation procedure fails
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to accidentally turn a solve upside down (orientation controls, align 2 points to y axis)
fixed more bugs within 3DE4's calculation core
added a feature for compensating the effect of rolling shutter (attribute editor->camera tab, motion tracking controls->view->shot rolling shutter shift)
added rotational camera constraints "no x/y/z rotation" (attribute editor->camera tab->camera constraints)
added comprehensive online help content for each function found in 3DE4's user interface (context menus->more infos, online help window)
all of 3DE4's windows are now forced to show up entirely on the visible desktop area (restarting 3DE4, open new window, etc.)
added two new python scripts for exporting/importing multiple 2D curves to/from an ascii file (curve editor->edit->file)
added four new python scripts for pushing survey points away/towards the camera or a pivot point along the line of sight (orientation controls->edit->push points tool)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to refuse executing python scripts saved in DOS format (CRLF)
added python script "Copy Current Frame to Reference Frame" (object browser->edit)
updated python script "Convert to Surveyed" now allowing to handle approx. surveyed points properly (v1.1)
fixed a bug which generated errors when executing certain python scripts out of an editor or browser which was previously moved to a separate window
target point/origin of 3D orientation controls now always centers in the middle of its pane, instead of the main window's midpoint
added a function to set the 3D orientation controls' view into its initial state (3D orientation controls->view->reset view)
added function "Assign Survey" to 3D orientation controls which allows to pick a 3D coordinate out of an (survey) 3D model object and assign it to a point object
the focal length scale now properly handles all different types of default units (prefs, mm/cm/in, attribute editor, lens tab)
added a new function for sorting all of a pointgroup's points (object browser, point context menu)
fixed a minor bug in python script "Export WarpD4" (v1.1)
added python script "Export 2.5D Points to Maya", which allows to export single tracking points to Maya (object browser->edit->file->export)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate huge focal length values for zoomed, fixed camera position projects with only little camera rotation (calc zoom curve from scratch/finetune zoom curve)
fixed a bug with fixed camera position cameras not being properly displayed in 3DE4's progress window (calc all from scratch)
made 3DE4 more robust against badly defined environment variables in its default paths (3DE4 prefs, "$(ENV_VAR_NAME)" substrings)
fixed a bug which could cause 3DE4 to crash when using image paths containing more than 200 characters for proxy footage "Alternate #3"
fixed a bug which caused the reconstructed 3D position of infinite distant points to be displayed wrong (motion tracking-, lineup-, overview controls)
added a python script for importing multiple reference frames in one step (object browser->edit->file->import)
added a feature for changing the order of a project's reference frames (object browser, dragging, middle mouse button)
updated warp4 to let it import .3de project files written with 3DE4 r1b8 (v1.0b8)
patched a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash while leaving the program (rare)
fixed a problem which caused 3DE4 to misalign resulting 3D cameras (survey free projects)
removed yup/zyp optionmenu from 3DE4's Maya export script (v1.7)
fixed a bug which caused disabled points to keep their previous deviation curves, after executing calc all from scratch
fixed a problem which could cause 3DE4's pattern tracking function to be less accurate (rotated tracking boxes, compensate lum. changes mode enabled)
3DE4 now centers more precisely on selected 3D objects (orientation controls, view->center on selected objects)
added 2 new python commands for reading & writing a point's 3D color
fixed a large number of problems within 3DE4's calculation core
introduced a native Windows 64bit version
added line-, plane- and circle camera constraints
introduced features for aligning a camera path to the XY-, XZ- or YZ-plane
introduced a feature to force a camera path, which is aligned to XZ-plane, to a defined height
fixed several bugs in connection with 3DE4's fixed camera position constraint
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to abort when adding a new license for the first time (startup phase)
fixed a bug in flcd4 (v1.0b6) which caused a license file to be created with wrong permissions ("<3de4 install dir>/user_data/3DE4_flcd4_licence_data_<hostname>.bin")
added a requester which could come up during first startup of 3DE4, notifying that flcd4 must be started as "root/administrator"
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 not to delete existing result samples automatically, although they have become obsolete (parameter adjustment window)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to display weird results when adjusting parameters which don't have any influence on deviation at all (parameter adjustment window)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 not to display image sequences in sequence view (file requester, filenames lacking a prefix)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 not to import image sequences properly (index larger then 50000)
added missing mouse wheel support for textarea widgets (python console, calc progress window)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash when using the mouse wheel (overview controls)
added missing function "Reset FOV" (motiontracking controls->edit menu)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to display image masks only if spline masks were enabled, as well (autotracking controls)
fixed a problem 3DE4 not being able to allow other apps to paste once the copied from window has been closed (copy/paste)
added a button to remove a shortcut from all widgets it has been previously assigned to (define shortcut requester)
fixed a problem which caused 3DE4 to forget shortcuts assigned to python scripts, once their version numbering has changed
3DE4 now accepts up to five "3DE4.script.gui" statements in a python script, so that it can show up at multiple locations in the gui
3DE4 now accepts multiple "3DE4.script.comment" statements in a python script
filter setting "" is now equal to "*" (filerequester)
3DE4's export script to Maya now remembers its settings throughout a session (v1.6)
added a python script for importing the footage of all reference cameras in one go (main window->playback menu)
3DE4's python based nudge scripts, now create keyframes in the respective point's 2D tracking curve (v1.2)
3DE4 now examines env. variable "PYTHON_CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_3DE4" for a colon separated list of dirs in which to look for additonal python scripts
filmback scales now properly handle all different types of default units (prefs, mm/cm/in, attribute editor, lens tab)
added a python script for exporting .warpd4 files, which can be interpreted by Matti's open source Nuke plugin (object browser->edit->file->export)
fixed a number of bugs in warp4 (v1.0b7, file requester history, jpg quality, stability)
patched a problem which caused 3DE4's file requester to take several seconds for opening up (windows only)
3DE4's export script for Nuke now exports all camera objects of a project (v1.1)
fixed a bug which made it possible to adjust focal length of a zooming shot, using parameter adjustment window
slightly modified 3DE4's gui color scheme
fixed a bug within SDV's multithreading libs which caused 3DE4 and warp4 to hang or even crash (rare, mostly windows)
added a script for importing zooming and/or interocular distance information from 3ality metadata files (written by Wolfgang @ Weta)
fixed a bug which prevented 3DE4 to remove a point's "calc" status after deleting its 2D tracking data (calc all from scrtach)
approximately survey points are now being transformed back (as best as possible) into their original survey space
fixed several alignment problems (calc all from scratch)
fixed a bug which could cause passive points to have an unpredictable influence on all calculation procedures
improved calculation progress window's automatic "view all" function
added a separate version of 3DE4 for Mac OS X 64 bit (10.6 or higher)
fixed another bug which caused 3DE4 to crash when removing a parameter from p. adjustment window ("Remove" button, high-speed-clicking-action)
fixed some further bugs in warp4 (v1.0b5)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to slightly shift its windows to the lower right when restoring window positions during startup (linux only)
moved translate icon away a few pixels from its point's tracking box (motiontracking controls)
added proper icon titles to all of 3DE4's major windows (x11/linux)
improved visual feedback of selected vs. unselected 3D reconstructed points (all controls, except 3D orientation)
added a new python script to edit the XY attributes of a selected curve key (curve editor, edit menu)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to display unpadded sequence files chaotically (file requester, sequence view)
disabled, survey free points now are always not calculated
improved rendering performance of autotracking controls on all platforms
modified various "export" scripts for automatically appending ".txt", if necessary
added mouse scroll wheel support for various gui components (all display area controls, timeline editor, object browser, file browser, etc.)
added optional horizon line display function (lineup controls->view menu)
fixed a bug which prevented the use of different proxy images for reference cameras
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash when dragging points in the object browser (rare)
clicking the left mouse button while holding down ALT now only selects a single point (motiontracking controls, lineup controls)
defined a common set of (custom) mouse pointers for all platforms
improved behaviour/fixed a number of bugs of 3DE4's calculation core (fixed camera position constraint)
improved behaviour/fixed a number of bugs of 3DE4's calculation core (zooming)
improved behaviour/fixed a number of bugs of 3DE4's calculation core (stereoscopic)
improved behaviour of 3DE4's calculation core in connection with points of low parallax
added a new python script which allows to modify the FOV (Motiontracking Controls->Edit->Set FOV...)
fixed a bug in 3DE4's 3DS MAX export filter script which caused an error "Unknown property: axisOrder" when importing the resulting ms file (v1.1)
fixed an annoying bug in 3DE4's widget library, which caused pulldown menus to stay open under certain conditions
fixed a bug (introduced with r1b4) which caused 3DE4 to crash when using any automatic snapping functions (distortion controls)
patched a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash when removing a parameter from p. adjustment window ("Remove" button, rare)
added a submenu allowing to display the names of all, selected only or no points (lineup controls->view)
added a function to move all selected points into a point set (object browser->context menu->point set)
added command "getProjectPath()" to 3DE4's scripting interface which returns the absolute path to the current project file
added a toggle which allows to disable compensating for luminance changes (manual tracking procedure, attribute editor->point tab)
added clear/cut/copy/paste functionality to all of 3DE4's (editable) textfields (context menu & middle mouse button)
added stereoscopic parameter "depth shift" to 3DE4's camera objects (see stereoscopic white paper)
added a new python script for scaling and/or translating the currently active curves (curve editor->edit->transfrom curves...)
fixed some minor bugs and added clipboard access to warp4 (v1.0b3)
slightly improved performance of all manual tracking modes (pattern, marker, corner)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4's manual tracking procedure to lose tracking patterns unexpectedly (narrow, rotated tracking boxes)
improved quality and robustness of 3DE4's marker tracking algorithm
added "Auto" toggle to the parameter adjustment window which forces 3DE4 to display all relevant result samples
added a progress bar into the parameter adjustment window's "Adjust..." button
temporarily disabled selection function and button "Clear" during adjustment procedure
added a requester which asks if the best result of an adjustment procedure should be transfered into 3DE4's database
added a function which allows to transfer a specific result into 3DE4's database (by selecting a single sample)
added adaptive adjustment mode for multiple parameters (parameter adjustment window)
"Center 2D/3D" function now properly centers on multiple selected points, as well (motiontracking and lineup controls)
"Gauge Marker" now always inserts a new keyframe into the currently selected point's tracking curve
added some eyecandy to the file requester
click "x" button of last main window now causes same behaviour as selecting the menu function main window->3de4->exit
added a new mode which, when enabled, forces 3DE4 to apply image controls only to the tracking boxes of actively tracked points only (motiontracking controls->options->apply ictrls to tracking boxes only)
added comprehensive undo/redo functions to curve editor
added a python scripting command to push the state of the currently active curves on the undo stack
added ability to undo/redo its operation to python script "Filter Curves" (v1.1)
fixed a minor bug in flcd4 which made it necessary to add a trailing "/" when setting env. variable "FLC4_LICENCE_FILE_3DE4" (1.0b5)
added a feature which allows to define multiple license server machines to search for a free license upon startup (env. variable "LICENCE_SERVER_3DE4", format: server1:server2:server3)
added a feature to disable 3DE4's license manager window's admin buttons import/add/delete/unlock (set env. variable "LICENCE_MANAGER_3DE4_USER_ONLY_MODE")
fixed a bug which forced 3DE4's license manager window to display 3DE V3 only licenses as invalid ("manage licenses" mode)
added a function to export the current project data to a temporary file and automatically launch warp4 with it (main window->3DE4->run warp4...)
fixed a display bug within parameter adjustment window (when displaying 3 parameters at the same time, y- and z-axes were swapped)
fixed a bug which caused a newly created point not to inherit the attributes of the previously selected point (object browser, context menu->add new->point...)
fixed a bug in 3DE4's maya export filter script which caused lens center offset not to be exported properly (v1.5)
added features for listing, selecting and deleting geo objects through functions provided by the object browser
added more filters for listing cameras, point groups or lens objects only (object browser menu)
added a complex point selection function which allows to filter out points of specific attributes (object browser->context menu->select->filter points...)
fixed two bugs in 3DE4's xsi export filter script (v1.4, lens center offset problem, wrong padding of image filenames)
3DE4's calculation core is now able to interpolate/extrapolate the camera path in frames which contain less than 4 active tracking points
fixed a bug which sometimes caused 3DE4 to eat up 100% CPU time of a single CPU core (opened modal requester windows)
added a feature to move horizontal and vertical panes in XY at the same time (small white triangles)
fixed a bug within 3DE4's calculation core which caused passive points to be handled not correctly
fixed a lot of bugs and added a lot of improvements to 3DE4's stereoscopic calculation core routines
fixed a bug which caused inconsistent applying of image controls to subsequent frames (blur and/or chroma key only)
fixed a minor update bug (deviation browser)
added a feature which lets major requesters remember its size during a session (file-, calc-, progress-requesters, etc.)
slightly extended the area for selecting single points (ALT-LMB click, motiontracking controls)
added an additional button for resetting the image controls window's chroma key function (motiontracking controls)
improved performance for accessing compressed image buffers
added a function for centering the view on all selected 3D objects (orientation controls->view menu->center on selected objects)
added a toggle for displaying the current frame's deviation (deviation browser->show deviation value)
added a toggle for displaying the value of the active curve in the current frame (curve editor->view->show curve value)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash when executing the 2nd python script (linux only, started through desktop icon)
python command "postCustomRequester" automatically can set the requester window's size (width and/or height parameter <= 0)
added a feature which allows it to protect certain object classes from being deleted (object browser->edit->delete...)
added handles for scaling a point's outer tracking box in XY (motiontracking controls)
added a toggle to preferences which, when enabled, forces 3DE4 to close the calculation progress window automatically
fixed a bug where button "Use Result" became enabled even if a calculation failed (calculation progress window)
3DE4 now saves/restores the size & position of all windows, incl. those browsers & editors which have been moved to separate windows
additional toggle state information are now being saved into environments (deviation browser & curve editor)
enabled anaglyph rendering mode by default (overview controls->view menu)
fixed a bug in 3DE4's softimage xsi export filter script which caused the camera roll angles to be always 0.0 (v1.2)
added a "Save Default State" function to many toggle buttons which lets 3DE4 remember its current state (see toggle buttons' context menus)
added a function to reload the default state of a window's toggle buttons manually (main window->options->reload default toggle states...)
disabled "Image Sequence" flag for reference cameras exported through 3DE4's maya export filter script (v1.4, thanks to Stefan)
fixed an update bug within parameter adjustment window (deleting a camera
or lens object)
enabled "Samples" fields for "Fine-" and "Wide-Range" modes ("Brute Force" mode, parameter adjustment window)
reduced initial size of manipulator when editing a project's scene node (3D orientation controls)
added stereoscopic calculation mode
added functions for increasing/decreasing the manipulators' size (3D orientation controls->edit->manipulator size menu)
fixed an update bug in 3D orientation controls (attribute editor, pgroup tab, modify distance constraint settings)
added a function for defining a distance constraint more intuitively (3D orientation controls->edit->define distance constraint...)
added graphical display of distance contraint (3D orientation controls)
fixed a bug in the rotation manipulator which caused the to be edited objects to disappear (3D orientation controls, ortho mode, edit tranverse axis)
increased virtual "click-area" around manipulator handles (3D orientation controls)
added a full 3ds max export filter script
fixed a bug in setPointPosition2DBlock() python scripting command which caused the Nudge scripts not to work for backward tracking points
fixed a bug which caused points, created through 3DE4's CTRL+LMB mechanism in reference frames, to become backward tracking ones
fixed a display bug within timeline editor (reference frames, rootframe markings)
set minimum of near clipping planes slider to 0.01 (attribute editor, project tab)
added python commands setCurrentPGroup(), setCurrentCamera() and setCurrentFrame()
added script "Set Next Sequence Camera" which toggles through all sequence cameras (main window->python menu)
added requester, asking for initial name, when creating a new point set (object browser, context menu->add point set)
moved "Set Current Camera/Point Group" to the top of their context menu(s) (object browser)
image controls window implemented
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to determine/display wrong number of CPUs (preferences, win32 only)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to determine/display wrong amount of installed RAM (preferences, osx32 & win32)
fixed a selection bug within timeline editor (reference cameras only)
fixed a bug in point undo routine which could cause 3DE4 to crash (motiontracking controls->edit->undo/redo, deviation browser opened, rare)
assigned standard maya shortcuts (W, E, R) for activating translate, rotate and scale manipulator (3D orientation controls)
added script "Export 2D Tracks to After Effects" which allows it to export 2D tracking curves to After Effects (object browser->edit->file->export menu)
added script "Duplicate Survey Points" which creates a copy of each selected survey point (3D orientation controls->edit menu)
added functions to open object browser, deviation broswer, curve editor or timline editor directly in a separate window (main window->windows menu)
fixed a bug which caused a timeline editor's scroll widget to disappear when separated out into a window
added python commands for reading & writing a camera's frames per second attribute
fixed a bug which prevented the online help window to open up when selecting more infos context menu of the main window's frame textfield
fixed a bug within the python nudge scripts which caused 3DE4 to remove all keyframes from a tracking curve (v1.1)
improved maya export filter script to write out proper image path information (v1.3)
added a full FBX export filter script
fixed a bug which could cause python scripts to appear in wrong menus (rare, "windows" ascii)
added script "Find Point Max Deviation" (deviation browser)
fixed a bug which prevented 3DE4 from importing a license file (license manager->import, rare)
fixed a bug in the XSI export script which could caused an import error in presence of multiple cameras (v1.1)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate wrong focal length values (distortion edit controls, exactly 4 matrix points, rare)
added active zooming funtions "Calc Zoom Curve from Scratch" & "Finetune Zoom Curve" (curve editor->calc->zoom curve)
added function "Make 3D Rot/Pos Curves Consistent" (curve editor->calc->zoom curve)
added function "Reset Zoom Curve" (curve editor->calc->zoom curve)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to insert an extra keyframe into each camera's zoom curve (main Window->3de4->open project)
added a script to export the current camera and all point groups to Nuke (creates a .nk file)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to premature collpase a whole menu, when clicking on a submenu (prefs->always collapse menus option activated)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to scale a curve by a large factor instead of slightly filtering it (python command "filter1D()", used in Filter Curves script)
calc framerange menu now opens up towards the top of the window (simillar to all other main window menus)
added passive zooming support
tracking direction mode of points, created in the first frame, are forced to "forward only" (CTRL+LMB, motiontracking controls)
tracking direction mode of points, created in the last frame, are forced to "backward only" (CTRL+LMB, motiontracking controls)
added context menu to define shortcut for loading an environment (main window->environments menu)
extended 3DE4's python interface for accessing distortion matrix data
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate wrong focal length values (distortion edit controls->calc)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to display a wrong FOV ratio when switching between frames of different image aspect
fixed a bug which prevented 3DE4 from importing a license file (license manager->import, rare)
added a number of toggles to configure the output of more detailed point infos (manual tracking controls->view->configure point infos)
python scripts within a menu are now being sorted automatically according to their labels
added script "Reel in Points" which allows to create backprojected 2D tracking curves (motion tracking controls->edit)
added a full export script for Softimage XSI which allows to export all of 3DE's data (creates vb scripts)
further bug fixes and improvements for 3DE4's calculation core
added a function that allows to restore all shortcuts to their initial default state
improved performance of the deviation browser (massive amount of point curves)
added functionality for displaying point weight curves (deviation browser)
by default disabled automatic point weighting for manually created points
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to calculate wrong point deviation curves
fixed a bug within 3DE4's autotracking routine (wasting memory on projects containing a large number of frames)
enabled partial image buffer decompression (better performance for tracking & playback, when zoomed in)
fixed a bug which caused the object browser to randomly select multiple objects on double clicking a single entry
improved performance of autotracking routine
added frame range calculation feature
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to crash in some rare situations (distortion edit controls, snap function)
fixed a bug in python script "Export 2D Tracks" which prevented 3DE4 from exporting anything at all (v1.1)
tracking direction status is now being displayed in object browser (point objects)
filewidget objects (python interface) automatically add file extension, if parameter "filter_pattern" is not equal to "*"
added exporting of scene node transformations to maya export script (v1.1)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to lose all filtered rot/pos curves (curve editor, rare)
fixed a bug which caused 3DE4 to hang after an adjustment procedure
postfilter feature added
added a python script for applying the postfilter to the current point group only (curve editor->calc->3d rot/pos curves)